Given one solution to a DE, we can find another solution that is linearly independent using a technique refered to as Reduction of Order. The idea is to find a function \( v(t) \) such that the second solution is \( y_2 = v(t)y_1 \).
Consider a second-order homogenous differential equation in standard form:
\( y^{''} + P(t)y^{'} + Q(t)y = 0 \)
We can substitute \( y_2 \) along with its first and second derivatives (using chain rule) to obtain:
\( y_1 v^{''} + (2y_1^{'} + P(t) y_1)v^{'} + (y_1^{''} + P(t)y_1^{'} + Q(t)y_1)v = 0 \)
Notice that the coefficient on \(v\) is just the original DE which is equal to 0. The equation becomes:
\( y_1 v^{''} + (2y_1^{'} + P(t) y_1)v^{'} = 0 \)
If we make the substitution \( u = v^{'} \) we obtain a first order DE that can be solved using an integration factor or simply by integrating if it is separable.
\( y_1 u^{'} + (2y_1^{'} + P(t) y_1) u = 0 \)
Once we solve for \( u(t) \), we can integrate to solve for \( v(t) \). The second, linearly independent solution to the DE is \( y_2 = u(t)y_1 \).
The steps to obtain the function \(v(t)\) are:
Determine a second solution to the DE \( 2t^2y^{''} +ty^{'} - 3y = 0\) given \(y_1 = t^{3/2}\) is a solution.