Spanning Sets

A Spanning Set is the smallest set of vectors where any vector in a certain space can be represented as a Linear Combination of the spanning set vectors.

The Spanning Set can span a line (1-dimension), a plane (2-dimension) or a space (3-dimensions).

Look how the Standard Basis unit vectors can be used to create Spanning Set:

Spanning SetLine Spanning SetPlane Spanning SetSpace
\(\hat{\imath}\)x-dir \(\hat{\imath}\), \(\hat{\jmath}\) xy-plane \(\hat{\imath}\), \(\hat{\jmath}\), \(\hat{k}\)3D space
\(\hat{\jmath}\)y-dir \(\hat{\imath}\), \(\hat{k}\) xz-plane
\(\hat{k}\)z-dir \(\hat{\jmath}\), \(\hat{k}\) yz-plane

Given a spanning set of just \(\hat{\imath}\), the only vectors we can make using linear combnations are vectors along the x-axis. Therefore, it spans a line.

\(2\hat{\imath}\),\(-1.5\hat{\imath}\), etc.

Given a spanning set of \(\hat{\jmath}\), \(\hat{k}\), the only vectors we can make using linear combinations are vectors in the yz-plane. Therefore, they span a plane.

\(2\hat{\jmath} + \hat{k}\), \(-2\hat{\jmath} + \hat{k}\), etc.

Given a spanning set of \(\hat{\imath}\), \(\hat{\jmath}\), \(\hat{k}\), we can make any vector in 3D space using linear combinations. Therefore, they space a space.

\(\hat{\imath} + \hat{\jmath} - 0.5\hat{k} \), etc.

What is the minimum number of vectors to span a plane?

What is the minimum number of vectors to span a plane from \( \left<10, 4 \right> \), \( \left<1, 0 \right> \) and \( \left<0, 1 \right> \)?

Let's see a few more examples:

The lines are Coplanar. They both lie on a plane. The lines are Coplanar. They all lie on a plane. The lines are non-Coplanar. They all cannot lie on the same plane.
Spans a plane. Span a plane. Span a space.

What do the following vectors span? \( \vec{u} = \left<3,-1,4 \right>, \vec{v} = \left<6,-4,-8\right>, \vec{w} = \left<7,-3,4 \right>\)